Mar 31, 2010

Mar 28, 2010

Spring blue

I went to a zoo near my house today.
I am going to be a volunteer guide there.
However, I don't like zoos because I think animals trapped  there are very poor.
Anyway I will do.

Mar 27, 2010

Mar 23, 2010

Mar 19, 2010

Today's work


He is making something every night in his working room.

He is making a work desk.

He is making his father's desk for audio.This is his side job to buy an electronic dictionary of French.

I am tired today because I carried wood by car by myself. I did it for five times today from a hill for my wood-burning stove.

My son loves cooking. This is his lunch today. Rice and some leek and squid garlic of miso taste. 

Mar 15, 2010

Spring in my house and the garden

Edgeworthia chrysantha

Edgeworthia chrysantha


Paeonia suffruticosa Paeonia

Eomecon chionantha.

I made changing sofa cavers.


Eomecon chionantha.
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